As the demand for memory cards increase, SanDisk developed an application for users to manage their memory cards easier. Having an application to organize your videos, documents, and other files is more convenient compared to plugging in your memory card to a computer.

So today we are going to check out the features of the SanDisk Memory Zone App.

What is SanDisk Memory Zone?

SanDisk Memory Zone is a free application developed by SanDisk for smartphones. The application allows users to backup, manage, browse, and save files between the phone’s internal storage, SD Card, and even SanDisk Dula drives. It also provides access to most cloud storage services that allow users to easily access their files between the memory card and the cloud storage service.

Introducing: SanDisk Memory Zone 3.0

The SanDisk Memory Zone is currently available for phones that are running Android version 3.0 or higher. Sadly, the Memory Zone is not yet available on IOS.


Sandisk Memory Zone App Review

On the application’s main screen, you can access 6 different features of the application.

  • My Memory Zone – this displays all the files stored on your mobile device. The files are sorted based on their file type and stored on different folders.
  • Storage Locations – on the storage menu, you can view all the storage devices available on your phones like internal storage, external storage, USB drives, and cloud storage providers like Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Favorites – this tab shows all the files that you have marked favorite.
  • Storage Usage – this shows the amount of used storage on your internal and external memory. It also displays the free memory available on your phone.
  • Backup and Restore – this portion of the SanDisk Memory Zone allows user to backup their files manually or set up an automatic backup schedule for your phone.

In our opinion, We find the main menu of the SanDisk Memory Zone user friendly and easy to use. All of the application’s features are separated into six sections that are easy to navigate and display all the important information of your device’s storage.


Download SanDisk Memory Zone App for Android

If you are interested to try the SanDisk Memory Zone for yourself, you can download the app on Google Play Store or you can click the link below.

Download SanDisk Memory Zone Application  >>


How to Use Sandisk Memory Zone

We made a quick guide on how to use the SanDisk Memory Zone for basic file management tasks.

File Sharing

The SanDisk Memory Zone allows user to share their files through email, Bluetooth, messages, and other social media sites.

  1. From the selection screen, mark all the files you wish to share.
  2. You can select any files as much as you want.
  3. Click on the Share Icon on the navigation menu below the screen.
  4. Choose the social media platform you want to share your file.

File Actions

The application also allows users to rename, copy, move, and compress files. To do this follow the steps below.

  1. Open the application.
  2. Navigate through your files.
  3. Select the file you want to work on.
  4. Click on the three vertical dot icon.
  5. Select what file action do you want (rename, copy to, move to, compress).
  • Rename – this feature allows you to change your file’s name without using a computer.
  • Copy To – the application also gives you an option to create a copy of your file to another folder or storage device.
  • Move To – this is almost the same with copying files but instead of making a copy, you are actually moving the file to another location.
  • Compress – file compression is important if you are going to send files via email or you have documents with large file size.

Favorite a File

If you have a file that you use need to access a lot, you can put the file on the favorites tab so that it is easier for you to find the file.

To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the SanDisk Memory Zone app.
  2. Browse your storage and find the file that you want to favorite.
  3. Once you find the file, a heart icon would appear below the file.
  4. Click on the heart icon to include the file on your favorites tab.

Backup Files

One of the best features of the application is file backup. You can select whether you want to do the backup manually or automatically.

  • Manual File Backup – you are given the option to backup important files like videos, photos, and documents and select a specific storage device to save it.
  • Automatic File Backup – just like manual backup, Automatic file backup allows you to create copies of important documents, photos, and videos. The difference is you can set a date and time where the SanDisk Memory Zone automatically creates a backup of your files.

USB OTG Function

The SanDisk Memory Zone application also allows you to manage your flash drive. SanDisk Dual USB drives make it easy for you to transfer your photos, documents, and videos to your phone without the need of a computer.

Here are some of SanDisk’s Dual USB Drives that you can buy

  • SanDisk Ultra Dual USB Drive (USB Type-C)
  • Ultra Dual USB Drive from SanDisk (USB 3.0)
  • SanDisk Dual USB Drive

Now, Follow these steps to get started in managing your USB Drive using the SanDisk Memory Zone application.

  1. Plugin the SanDisk Dual USB Drive on your smartphone.
  2. Open the Memory Zone app.
  3. A pop-up will appear asking you to grant permission to access the USB Drive.
  4. Tap on Allow.
  5. Now you can access the files on your USB drive without the need for a computer.


User Manual

SanDisk provided a user manual for you to read if ever you are having trouble using the application. Checking the user manual also helps if some of SanDisk Memory Zone’s feature is not working.

Click Here to View the SanDisk Memory Zone App User Manual


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