Do you want to know how fast your SD card is? If so, you’re in the right place! I’ve made a SD Card speed test for you!
There are several free tools on the internet that can help you test your SD card’s speed and capacity. In this article, we’ll discuss five of the best free tools for testing SD card speed.
Also I will you give extremely handful advise how to use them in another way.
5 Best Free SD Card Speed Test Tools
SD Card speed test tools are used mostly to check out the real speed of your memory card.
On the other hand, these tools can also be used to verify whether an SD card’s capacity is real or not. Usually there are two ways buyers can be cheated when it comes to SD cards. One way is by giving inaccurate information about the card’s capacity- for example, advertising a card with a 256GB capacity when it only has 16GB of space. The other way buyers can be cheated is by giving false information about the SD card’s speed.
Don’t go for cheap – a miser pays twice.
So, this is the List of 5 Best Free SD Card Speed Testing Tools:
#1. Blackmagic Disk Speed Test
Blackmagic Disk Speed Test is a good tool to use if you own a Mac. It’s a free tool that is designed to test the speed of SD and microSD cards. The only limitation of this tool is that it is designed for people who work with large files, such as video clips. Blackmagic Disk Speed Test writes large blocks of data to the storage device. It then reads that data block to verify the performance of the drive/SD card. However, this also means that the test takes a long time to complete.
#2. H2testw
H2testw is a very accurate tool that can test the true speed of your SD/microSD card or drive. This software was originally developed by a German software engineer. That’s why its website and software are in German. However, once you download it, you can choose English as the default language. The only downside to H2testw is that it is a bit old, which means that it hasn’t been optimized for larger-capacity drives. As a result, the test may take longer to complete.
#3. USBDeview
USBDeview is a tool that Nirsoft created to help you find your USB device or SD/microSD Card. You can use it to test the true speed of the card. To do this, select the card and press Start Test. The test will write and read a 100MB file. You can choose to publish the results by clicking the button and ticking the box to agree to publish the results.
#4. SpeedOut
SpeedOut is a tool that helps you measure how fast your USB drive or SD Card can read and write. The program runs 4 different tests, and then it tells you the average score for each. SpeedOut is a non-destructive tool, which means that it doesn’t damage any of your files or the USB drive/SD Card.
#5. ChipGenius
ChipGenius is a tool that tells you the information about your SD card. It tells you the manufacturer, how much storage the card has, and what class it is. This tool is different from the other tools because it does not write data to the SD card. It just looks at what is already on the card. This tool is useful because it can tell you information about a card very quickly. However, some sellers know how to cover their tracks so ChipGenius may not be able to identify every fake card.
Do you want more tools and tips for SD Cards?
Here is the article that explains how to Format your SD Card with this FREE SD Card Formatter Tool.
And this is the link to the article that explains how to Easily Remove Write Protection from SD Card [Windows/Mac].
Thank you for reading this guide! I hope that it was helpful in teaching you everything you need to know about sd card speed test tools.
Don’t forget to share this article on social media with your family and friends:)
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